Monday, August 27, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Weekly wrap up

Well I was a little disappointed with this weeks weigh in. I was really trying to make my 5% goal. I ended up being .6lbs away. I lost a total of 1.4lbs. This past week I worked out 6 days and went to the gym before my meeting. I'm going to do that again this week and see if I get similar results.
It's been three months and I'm down a total of 12lbs. I wish it was more but hey I would rather lose instead of gain.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekly Wrap up

This week was crazy! I had two visitors! My friend came to town midweek and my mom visited this past weekend. Visitors usually means eating out and not exercising. I decided that wasn't going to happen this time around! I went to the gym at the crack of dawn to get it out of the way and eliminate ALL EXCUSES!  The eating out was another story. I drank about 4 beers too many and made horrible food choices. I ate a 31point dessert at Fridays. I had the points available but still 31!! Looking back I would have rather eaten more chicken wings. My mom and I went to a really nice seafood place, I ate fried everything! Luckily it was Saturday and the beginning of a new WW week so I had my extra points to use!

With all this I still lost .02 at weigh in. Its not much but it could have been waaaaay worse!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Weekly wrap up. Week 12

I'm down .6lbs. It doesn't seem like much but I'm finally into the next "10". If I can work hard and lose 1.5lbs this week I will make my 5% goal. Im still struggling to lose any weight and I'm not sure what the problem is. I'm working out regularly and drinking plenty of water. I have upped my calorie count but still feel like the pounds should be falling off. I will just keep chugging along and hope the weight comes off.