Monday, October 1, 2012


Well I knew it would happen eventually but I am surprised it took so long. I haven't posted in 3 weeks!! I'm going to contribute that fact to my struggles with losing these past weeks. I have no desire to taut my accomplishments, mainly because I don't feel that I have accomplished anything. I have lost .2 lbs three weeks in a row. WTF! I know we have a tendency to over estimate how much "work" we put into something but I think I've been working pretty hard these past weeks. I wake up at 4:00am every weekday so I can go to the gym before work. When I get home from work I spend a good hour making dinner and all my meals/snacks for the next day. I don't go over my DPT or use many of my weekly points. I just don't understand why I am not losing significant amounts of weight. I am so frustrated and I want to quit! What good is all of this work if it reaps no benefits. I am human after all. I HATE waking up so damn early, but I do it because I know I need to exercise.  I am determined to make this my last "attempt" at weight loss. I want the extra weight to be gone forever. These "setbacks" are NOT HELPING!! I am lost, I don't know what to do.

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